The Senior Adult Activity program began in August 2004, and we have Senior Adult Activities Day each Tuesday. A Bible study begins at 9:45 AM after which we play Bingo, have a short devotional time and then lunch. Lunch is catered from local businesses. After lunch we play different games (dominoes, cards or board games) until 2:00 PM. We have developed a great relationship with each other and we fill a need for our seniors. At Wynne FUMC we have a group of seniors known as the 49'ers, which takes field trips to different area attractions and restaurants. We try to plan at least one trip per month. We have also established a program where volunteers take Communion to our members who for one reason or another could not be at church on Communion Sunday.
United Methodist Men
The United Methodist Men's Group meets each third Thursday of the month at 6:45 am for breakfast, a devotional and fellowship. This hour-long time together is open to all men of the church and community and is an important part in the lives of the men of the church. Each year the men host a Fish Fry in lieu of their monthly breakfast. This has been a big fundraiser for several years, and the community is always invited to participate.
United Methodist Women
Meets each second Monday of the month at 5:00 pm in the Church Lounge. All women of the church are invited.
United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
MISSION COORDINATORS Spiritual Growth: Dolores Pankey Education & Interpretation: Betty Dangeau Social Action: Darlene Jones Membership & Outreach: Clyda Parrish, Emily Riley, Nina Spencer Program Resources: Kay King
UMW COOKBOOK The Feast of Goodness Cookbook is a collection of treasured recipes used by generations of good cooks, and it contains the very latest time savers, tried and proven practical for today's busy households. The cookbook makes a wonderful gift, and they are only $15.00 each. If you buy 5 cookbooks you get one free. To request your copy of the Feast of Goodness contact the church office at 870-238-3265.